Have you ever noticed that people around you are often sulking?
Let me tell you an anecdote. It's about a real-life situation that made me realize how important it is to treat people the way I'd like to be treated.
Every morning, on my way to drop my son off at school, I met a mother. This mother always looked away and never smiled, and I never received a hello from her.
One morning, as I was out with my partner, we bumped into this same mother who, to my surprise, greeted my partner with a nod and a smile.
I was puzled by this attitude. Why doesn't she do the same with me?
In the car, I spoke to my partner about it. That day, he said something that made me think. He told me that everyone is faced with a reality. We don't know what they' re going through or what their struggle is. That's why, if I want a smile, I smile first. If I want a hello, I say hello.
Indeed, the next day, I was eager to try this method. And guess what, much to my surprise, this lady who always gave me the creeps not only gave me one of her most beautiful smiles, but also a warm hello. Some time later, she even invited my son to come play at her house with her son.
I can't believe it!
Don't underestimate the power of a smile, it can brighten someone's life or give them a new lesson on life. And maybe it will be the beginning of a new friendship!
Treat people the way you want to be treated!
by Joëlle Edouard